CSE User's Manual

California Simulation Engine

4.10 METER

A METER object is a user-defined “device” that records energy consumption of equipment as simulated by CSE. The user defines METERs with the desired names, then assigns energy uses of specific equipment to the desired meters using commands described under each equipment type’s class description (AIRHANDLER, TERMINAL, etc.). Additional energy use from equipment not simulated by CSE (except optionally for its effect on heating and cooling loads) can also be charged to METERs (see GAIN). The data accumulated by meters can be reported at hourly, daily, monthly, and annual (run) intervals by using REPORTs and EXPORTs of type MTR.

Meters account for energy use in the following pre-defined categories, called end uses. The abbreviations in parentheses are used in MTR report headings (and for gnMeter input, below). You also get a column for the net total on the meter (abbreviated “Tot”).

HtgHeating (includes heat pump compressor)
HPBUHeat pump resistance heating (backup and defrost)
DHWDomestic (service) hot water
DHWBUDomestic (service) hot water heating backup (HPWH resistance)
DHWMFLDomestic (service) hot water heating multi-family loop pumping and loss makeup
FANCFans, AC and cooling ventilation
FANHFans, heating
FANVFans, IAQ venting
FANFans, other purposes
AUXHVAC auxiliaries such as pumps
EXTExterior lighting
DRYClothes drying
WASHClothes washing
USER1User-defined category 1
USER2User-defined category 2
BTBattery charge power
PVPhotovoltaic power generation

The user has complete freedom over how many meters are defined and how equipment is assigned to them. At one extreme, a single meter “Electricity” could be defined and have all of electrical uses assigned to it. On the other hand, definition of separate meters “Elect_Fan1”, “Elect_Fan2”, and so forth allows accounting of the electricity use for individual pieces of equipment. Various groupings are possible: for example, in a building with several air handlers, one could separate the energy consumption of the fans from the coils, or one could separate the energy use by air handler, or both ways, depending on the information desired from the run.

The members that assign energy use to meters include:

The end use can be specified by the user only for GAINs and PVARRAYs; in other cases it is hard-wired to Clg, Htg, FanC, FanH, FanV, Fan, or Aux as appropriate.


Name of meter: required for assigning energy uses to the meter elsewhere.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
63 charactersnoneYesconstant


DmdCost per Btu of demand, for a month.

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Cost of energy use per Btu.

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mtrSubmeters=list of up to 50 METERs

A comma-separate list of METERs that are accumulated into this METER with optional multipliers (see mtrSubmeterMults). Submeters facilitate flexible categorization of energy results. In addition, use of mtrSubmeterMults allows energy results from a representative model to be scaled and included in overall results. For example, a typical zone could be used to represent 5 similar spaces. The energy uses of the typical zone could be assigned to a dedicated METER that is accumulated to a main METER with a multiplier of 5. Rules –

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
names of METERsNoconstant

mtrSubmeterMults=list of up to 50 floats

Submeter multipliers. Use cases for multipliers include –

A note re default values: if mtrSubmeterMults is omitted, all multipliers are defaulted to 1. However, when mtrSubmeterMults is included, a multiplier value should be provided for each METER listed in mtrSubmeters since unspecified values are set to 0.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability


Indicates the end of the meter definition. Alternatively, the end of the meter definition can be indicated by the declaration of another object or by END.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability

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