CSE User's Manual

California Simulation Engine


Exports contain the same information as CSE reports, but in a “comma-quote” format intended for reading into a spreadsheet or other program for further processing, plotting, special print formatting, etc.

No exports are generated by default; each desired export must be specified with an EXPORT object.

Each row of an export contains several values, separated by commas, with quotes around string values. The row is terminated with a carriage return/line feed character pair. The first fields of the row identify the data. Multiple fields are used as necessary to identify the data. For example, the rows of an hourly ZEB export begin with the month, day of month, and hour of day. In contrast, reports, being subject to a width limitation, use only a single column of each row to identify the data; additional identification is put in the header. For example, an hourly ZEB Report shows the hour in a column and the day and month in the header; the header is repeated at the start of each day. The header of an export is never repeated.

Depending on your application, if you specify multiple exports, you may need to place each in a separate file. Generate these files with EXPORTFILE, preceding section. You may also need to suppress the export header and/or footer, with exHeader and/or exFooter, described in this section.

Input for EXPORTs is similar to input for REPORTs; refer to the REPORT description in Section 5.25 for further discussion of the members shown here.


Name of export. Give after the word EXPORT.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
63 charactersnoneNoconstant


Name of export file to which current export will be written. If omitted, if EXPORT is within an EXPORTFILE object, report will be written to that export file, or else to the automatically-supplied EXPORTFILE “Primary”, which by default uses the name of the input file with the extension .csv.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
name of an EXPORTFILEcurrent EXPORTFILE, if any, else ‘Primary’Noconstant


Choice indicating export type. See descriptions in Section 5.22, REPORT. While not actually disallowed, use of exType = ERR, LOG, INP, or ZDD is unexpected.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
ZEB, ZST, MTR, DHWMTR, AH, UDT, or SUMnoneYesconstant


Export Frequency: specifies interval for generating rows of export data:

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability


Initial day of export. Exports for which exFreq = YEAR do not allow specification of exDayBeg and exDayEnd; for MONTH exports, these members are optional and default to include the entire run; for DAY and shorter-interval exports, exDayBeg is required and exDayEnd defaults to exDayBeg.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
datefirst day of simulation if exFreq = MONTHRequired for exTypes ZEB, ZST, MTR, AH, and UDT if exFreq is DAY, HOUR, HOURANDSUB, or SUBHOURconstant


Final day of export period, except for YEAR exports.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
datelast day of simulation if exFreq= MONTH, else exDayBegNoconstant


Name of ZONE for which a ZEB, ZST, or ZDD export is being requested; ALL and SUM are also allowed except with exType = ZST.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
name of a ZONE, ALL, SUMnoneRequired for exTypes ZDD, ZEB, and ZST.constant


Specifies meter(s) whose data is to be exported, for exType=MTR.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
name of a METER, ALL, SUMnonefor exType=MTRconstant


Specifies air handler(s) to be reported, for rpType=TUSIZE or TULOAD.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
name of a TERMINAL, ALL, SUMRequired for rpTypeconstant


Specifies DHW meter(s) whose data is to be exported, for exType=DHWMTR.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
name of a DHWMETER, ALL, SUMnonefor exType=DHWMTRconstant


Air flow meter report.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
Name of AFMETER0Norunly


Specifies air handler(s) to be exported, for exType=AH.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
name of an AIRHANDLER, ALL, SUMnonefor exType=AHconstant


Scale factor used for exported energy values.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
any multiple of ten1,000,000: energy exported in MBtu.Noconstant


Conditional exporting flag. If given, export rows are generated only when value of expression is non-0. Allowed with exTypes ZEB, ZST, MTR, AH, and UDT.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
any numeric expression1 (exporting enabled)Nosubhour /end of interval


Title for use in export header of User-Defined export. Disallowed if exType is not UDT.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
User-defined ExportNoconstant


Use NO to suppress the export header which gives the export type, zone, meter, or air handler being exported, time interval, column headings, etc. You might do this if the export is to be subsequently imported to a program that is confused by the header information. Alternatively, one may use COLUMNSONLY to print only the column headings. This can be useful when plotting CSV data in a spreadsheet tool or DView.

The choices YESIFNEW and COLUMNSONLYIFNEW cause header generation when the associated EXPORTFILE is being created but suppress headers when appending to an existing file. This is useful for accumulating results from a set of runs where typically column headings are desired only once.

If not suppressed, the export header shows, in four lines:

runTitle and runSerial (see Section 5.1);the run date and time the export type (“Energy Balance”, “Statistics”, etc., or exTitle if given)and frequency (“year”, “day”, etc.)a list of field names in the order they will be shown in the data rows(“Mon”, “Day”, “Tair”, etc.)

The specific month, day, etc. is NOT shown in the export header (as it is shown in the report header), because it is shown in each export row.

The field names may be used by a program reading the export to identify the data in the rows which follow; if the program does this, it will not require modification when fields are added to or rearranged in the export in a future version of CSE.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability


Use NO to suppress the blank line otherwise output as an export “footer”. (Exports do not receive the total lines that most reports receive as footers.)

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
YES, NOYESNoconstant


Optionally indicates the end of the export definition. Alternatively, the end of the export definition can be indicated by END or by beginning another object.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability

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