CSE User's Manual

California Simulation Engine


Surface constructs a ZONE subobject of class SURFACE that represents a surrounding or interior surface of the zone. Internally, SURFACE generates a QUICK surface (U-value only), a DELAYED (massive) surface (using the finite-difference mass model), interzone QUICK surface, or interzone DELAYED surface, as appropriate for the specified construction and exterior conditions.


Name of surface; give after the word SURFACE.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
63 charactersnoneNoconstant


Type of surface:

FLOORSurface defines part or all of the ‘bottom’ of the zone; it is horizontal with inside facing up. The outside of the surface is not adjacent to the current zone.
WALLSurface defines a ‘side’ of the zone; its outside is not adjacent to the current zone.
CEILINGSurface defines part or all of the ‘top’ of the zone with the inside facing down. The outside of the surface is not adjacent to the current zone.

sfType is used extensively for default determination and input checking, but does not have any further internal effect. The Floor, Wall, and Ceiling choices identify surfaces that form boundaries between the zone and some other condition.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability


Gross area of surface. (CSE computes the net area for simulation by subtracting the areas of any windows and doors in the surface.).

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
ft2x \(>\) 0noneYesconstant


Surface tilt from horizontal. Values outside the range 0 to 360 are first normalized to that range. The default and allowed range depend on sfType, as follows:

sfType = FLOORsfTilt=180, default = 180 (fixed value)
sfType = WALL60 \(<\) sfTilt \(<\) 180, default = 90
sfType = CEILING0 \(\leq\) sfTilt \(\leq\) 60, default = 0
UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
degreesDependent upon sfType See aboveDependent upon sfType See aboveNoconstant


Azimuth of surface with respect to znAzm. The azimuth used in simulating a surface is bldgAzm + znAzm + sfAzm; the surface is rotated if any of those are changed. Values outside the range 0 to 360 are normalized to that range. Required for non-horizontal surfaces.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
degreesunrestrictednoneRequired if sfTilt \(\neq\) 0 and sfTilt \(\neq\) 180constant


Provides user control over how CSE models conduction for this surface.

QUICKSurface is modeled using a simple conductance. Heat capacity effects are ignored. Either sfCon or sfU (next) can be specified.
DELAYED, DELAYED_HOUR, DELAYED_SUBHOURSurface is modeled using a multi-layer finite difference technique that represents heat capacity effects. If the time constant of the surface is too short to accurately simulate, a warning message is issued and the Quick model is used. The program cannot use the finite difference model if sfU rather than sfCon is specified.
AUTOProgram selects Quick or the appropriate Delayed automatically according to the time constant of the surface (if sfU is specified, Quick is selected).
FD (or FORWARD_DIFFERENCE)Selects the forward difference model (used with short time steps and the CZM/UZM zone model).
KIVAUses a two-dimensional finite difference model to simulate heat flow through foundation surfaces.
UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability

Either sfU or sfCon must be specified, but not both.


Surface U-value (NOT including surface (air film) conductances). For surfaces for which no heat capacity is to be modeled, allows direct entry of U-value without defining a CONSTRUCTION.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
Btuh/ft2-oFx \(>\) 0Determined from sfConif sfCon not givenconstant


Name of CONSTRUCTION of the surface.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
Name of a CONSTRUCTIONnoneunless sfU givenconstant


Sublayer thickness adjustment factor for FORWARD_DIFFERENCE conduction model used with sfCon surfaces. Material layers in the construction are divided into sublayers as needed for numerical stability. sfLThkF allows adjustment of the thickness criterion used for subdivision. A value of 0 prevents subdivision; the default value (0.5) uses layers with conservative thickness equal to half of an estimated safe value. Fewer (thicker) sublayers improves runtime at the expense of accurate representation of rapid changes.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
x \(\ge\) 00.5Noconstant


Specifies the thermal conditions assumed at surface exterior, and at exterior of any subobjects (windows or doors) belonging to current surface. The conditions accounted for are dry bulb temperature and incident solar radiation.

AMBIENTExterior surface is exposed to the ‘weather’ as read from the weather file. Solar gain is calculated using solar geometry, sfAzm, sfTilt, and sfExAbs.
SPECIFIEDTExterior surface is exposed to solar radiation as in AMBIENT, but the dry bulb temperature is calculated with a user specified function (sfExT). sfExAbs can be set to 0 to eliminate solar effects.
ADJZNExterior surface is exposed to another zone, whose name is specified by sfAdjZn. Solar gain is 0 unless gain is targeted to the surface with SGDIST below.
GROUNDThe surface is in contact with the ground. Details of the two-dimensional foundation design are defined by sfFnd. Only floor and wall surfaces may use this option.
ADIABATICExterior surface heat flow is 0. Thermal storage effects of delayed surfaces are modeled.


Surface exterior absorptivity.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
0 \(\le\) x \(\le\) 10.5Required if sfExCnd = AMBIENT or sfExCnd = SPECIFIEDTmonthly-hourly


Surface interior solar absorptivity.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
0 \(\le\) x \(le\) 1sfType = CEILING, 0.2; sfType = WALL, 0.6; sfType = FLOOR, 0.8Nomonthly-hourly


Surface exterior long wave (thermal) emittance.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
0 \(\le\) x \(\le\) 10.9Noconstant


Surface interior long wave (thermal) emittance.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
0 \(\le\) x \(\le\) 10.9Noconstant


Exterior air temperature.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
oFunrestrictednoneRequired if sfExCnd = SPECIFIEDThourly


Name of adjacent zone; used only when sfExCnd is ADJZN. Can be the same as the current zone.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
name of a ZONEnoneRequired when
sfExCnd = ADJZN


Ground reflectivity for this surface.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
fraction0 \(\leq\) x \(\leq\) 1grndReflNoMonthly - Hourly


Inside surface (air film) conductance. Ignored for sfModel = Forward_Difference. Default depends on the surface type.

sfType = FLOOR or CEILING1.32
UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
Btuh/ft2-oFx \(>\) 0See aboveNoconstant


Outside combined surface (air film) conductance. Ignored for sfModel = Forward_Difference. The default value is dependent upon the exterior conditions:

sfExCnd = AMBIENTdflExH (Top-level member, described above)
sfExCnd = SPECIFIEDTdflExH (described above)
sfExCnd = ADJZN1.5
sfExCnd = ADIABATICnot applicable
UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
Btuh/ft2-oFx \(>\) 0see aboveNoconstant

When sfModel = Forward_Difference, several models are available for calculating inside and outside surface convective coefficients. Inside surface faces can be exposed only to zone conditions. Outside faces may be exposed either to ambient conditions or zone conditions, based on sfExCnd. Only UNIFIED and INPUT are typically used. The other models were used during CSE development for comparison. For details, see CSE Engineering Documentation.

ModelExposed to ambientExposed to zone
UNIFIEDdefault CSE modeldefault CSE model
INPUThc = sfExHcMulthc = sfxxHcMult
AKBARIAkbari modeln/a
WALTONWalton modeln/a
WINKELMANNWinkelmann modeln/a
DOE2DOE2 modeln/a
MILLSn/aMills model
ASHRAEn/aASHRAE handbook values
TARPn/aTARP model


Selects the model used for exterior surface convection when sfModel = Forward_Difference.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
choices aboveUNIFIEDNoconstant


Characteristic length of surface, used in derivation of forced exterior convection coefficients in some models when outside surface is exposed to ambient. See sfExHcModel.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
ftx \(>\) 010Noconstant


Exterior convection coefficient adjustment factor. When sfExHcModel=INPUT, hc=sfExHcMult. For other sfExHcModel choices, the model-derived hc is multiplied by sfExHcMult.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
x \(\ge\) 01Nosubhourly


Exterior surface roughness factor. Used only when surface is exposed to ambient (i.e. with wind exposure). Typical values:

Roughness IndexsfExRfExample
1 (very rough)2.17Stucco
2 (rough)1.67Brick
3 (medium rough)1.52Concrete
4 (Medium smooth)1.13Clear pine
5 (Smooth)1.11Smooth plaster
6 (Very Smooth)1Glass
UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
sfExHcModel = WINKELMANN: 1.66 else 2.17Noconstant


Selects the model used for the inside (zone) surface convection when sfModel = Forward_Difference.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
choices above (see sfExHcModel)UNIFIEDNoconstant


Interior convection coefficient adjustment factor. When sfInHcModel=INPUT, hc=sfInHcMult. For other sfInHcModel choices, the model-derived hc is multiplied by sfInHcMult.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
x \(\ge\) 01Nosubhourly

The items below give values associated with CSE’s model for below grade surfaces (sfExCnd=GROUND). See CSE Engineering Documentation for technical details.


Name of FOUNDATION applied to ground-contact Floor SURFACEs; used only for Floor SURFACEs when sfExCnd is GROUND.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequired**Variability
Name of a Foundationnonewhen
sfExCnd = GROUND and
sfType = Floor


Name of adjacent ground-contact Floor SURFACE; used only for Wall SURFACEs when sfExCnd is GROUND.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
Name of a Surfacenonewhen
sfExCnd = GROUND and
sfType = Wall


Needed for foundation wall height, otherwise ignored. Maybe combine with sfDepthBG?

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
ftx \(>\) 0nonewhen sfType is WALL and sfExtCnd is GROUNDconstant


Exposed perimeter of foundation floors.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
ftx \(\geq\) 0nonewhen sfType is FLOOR, sfFnd is set, and sfExtCnd is GROUNDconstant


Note: sfDepthBG is used as part of the simple ground model, which is no longer supported. Use sfHeight with sfFnd instead.

Depth below grade of surface. For walls, sfDepthBG is measured to the lower edge. For floors, sfDepthBG is measured to the bottom face.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
ftx \(\ge\) 0noneNoconstant

Note: The following data members are part of the simple ground model, which is no longer supported. Use sfFnd instead.






Conductances from outside face of surface to the weather file ground temperature and the moving average outdoor dry-bulb temperatures for 7, 14, 31, and 365 days.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
Btuh/ft2-oFx \(\ge\) 0see aboveNoconstant


Resistance overall construction resistance. TODO: full documentation.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
x \(\ge\) 0noneNoconstant


Optional to indicates the end of the surface definition. Alternatively, the end of the surface definition can be indicated by END, or by beginning another SURFACE or other object definition. If used, should follow the definitions of the SURFACE’s subobjects – DOORs, WINDOWs, SHADEs, SGDISTs, etc.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability

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