CSE User's Manual

California Simulation Engine


Foundation describes the two-dimensional relationship between ground-contact SURFACEs (i.e., sfExCnd = GROUND) and the surrounding ground. A FOUNDATION is referenced by Floor SURFACEs (see sfFnd). FOUNDATIONs are used to describe the two-dimensional features of foundation designs that cannot be captured by the typical one-dimensional constructions. Dimensions from the one-dimensional CONSTRUCTIONs associated with ground-contact floors and walls will automatically be interpreted into the two-dimensional context.

Two-dimensional context
Two-dimensional context

Any wall SURFACEs in contact with the ground must refer to a Floor SURFACE object (see sfFndFloor) to indicate which floor shares the same ground domain as a boundary condition (and establish the two-dimensional context for the basis of the ground calculations).

FOUNDATION objects are used to instantiate instances of heat transfer within Kiva.

MATERIALs used in a FOUNDATION cannot have variable properties at this time.

Most of the relevant dimensions and properties in the two-dimensional context are defined in the FOUNDATION object (and FNDBLOCK subobjects) with a few exceptions specified by specific SURFACEs:

Some properties applying to all FOUNDATIONs are defined at the TOP level:

The following data members describe the dimensions and properties of the foundation wall. For below-grade walls, the CONSTRUCTION (and corresponding width) of the foundation wall is defined by the Wall SURFACEs referencing the FOUNDATION object. For on-grade floors, the CONSTRUCTION of the foundation wall must be defined using fdFtCon. The actual height of the foundation wall (from the top of the wall to the top of the slab) is defined by the corresponding SURFACE objects.

Foundation wall dimensions
Foundation wall dimensions

Other components of the foundation design (e.g., interior/exterior insulation) as well as other variations in thermal properties within the ground are defined using FNDBLOCK (foundation block) objects. Any number of FNDBLOCKs can appear after the definition of a FOUNDATION to be properly associated.


Name of foundation; give after the word FOUNDATION. Required for reference from SURFACE objects.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
63 charactersnoneYesconstant


Wall height above grade.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
ftx \(\geq\) 00.0Noconstant


Wall depth below slab.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
ftx \(\geq\) 00.0Noconstant


Name of CONSTRUCTION of the footing wall. Only required IF it is a slab foundation (i.e., no wall surfaces reference this FOUNDATION object).

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
Name of a Constructionnoneif a slab foundationconstant


Indicates the end of the foundation definition. Alternatively, the end of the foundation definition can be indicated by the declaration of another object or by END.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability