CSE User's Manual

California Simulation Engine

6.46 mass


sfiXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Associated surface subscript
xriXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Xsrat subscript: ditto
areaXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Area, ft2
isSubhrlyXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)True iff this mass simulated subhourly (else hourly)
isFDXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)True iff this mass used forward-difference model (always subhourly)
inside.msiXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Parent mass subscr
inside.tyXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Bound cond type: msbcadiabatic, msbcambient, msbcground, msbczone, or msbcspect.
inside.ziXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Zone sbscr if .bc_ty == msbczone.
inside.exTaXnumberhourlyAdjacent air temp, f
inside.exTrXnumberhourlyAdjacent radiant temp, f
inside.rsurfXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Extra surf resis, from masstype, for “light” surf lyrs eg carpet: res for solar to 1st hvy lyr.
inside.hXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Combined surface conductance, air to 1st “heavy” layer (btuh/ft2-f)
inside.haXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Bc_h * area, btuh/f
inside.rIgXunrecognizedhourlyRadiant internal gain target (float) (btuh). pointed to by znr.rigdist; set/used in cnloads. 11-95
inside.qxhnetXnumberend of each hourNet heat xfer for hour (btu, + = into mass): signed sum of all transfers.
inside.qxdnetXnumberend of each day… ditto current day
inside.qxmnetXnumberend of each month… ditto current month
inside.qxhtotXnumberend of each hourTotal xfer for hour (btu): sum of abs(xfer). used as divisor for determining relative error.
inside.qxdtotXnumberend of each day… ditto current day
inside.qxmtotXnumberend of each month… ditto current month
inside.surfTempXnumberend of each subhourProbe-able duplicate copy of inside or outside layer surface temp, set in loadssurfaces.
outside.msiXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Parent mass subscr
outside.tyXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Bound cond type: msbcadiabatic, msbcambient, msbcground, msbczone, or msbcspect.
outside.ziXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Zone sbscr if .bc_ty == msbczone.
outside.exTaXnumberhourlyAdjacent air temp, f
outside.exTrXnumberhourlyAdjacent radiant temp, f
outside.rsurfXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Extra surf resis, from masstype, for “light” surf lyrs eg carpet: res for solar to 1st hvy lyr.
outside.hXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Combined surface conductance, air to 1st “heavy” layer (btuh/ft2-f)
outside.haXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Bc_h * area, btuh/f
outside.rIgXunrecognizedhourlyRadiant internal gain target (float) (btuh). pointed to by znr.rigdist; set/used in cnloads. 11-95
outside.qxhnetXnumberend of each hourNet heat xfer for hour (btu, + = into mass): signed sum of all transfers.
outside.qxdnetXnumberend of each day… ditto current day
outside.qxmnetXnumberend of each month… ditto current month
outside.qxhtotXnumberend of each hourTotal xfer for hour (btu): sum of abs(xfer). used as divisor for determining relative error.
outside.qxdtotXnumberend of each day… ditto current day
outside.qxmtotXnumberend of each month… ditto current month
outside.surfTempXnumberend of each subhourProbe-able duplicate copy of inside or outside layer surface temp, set in loadssurfaces.
UNomXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Overall uval incl nominal surface films, btuh/ft2-f
tcXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Time constant (con->hc/sfinh) as used to default sfmodel & issubhrly, for reporting, 1-95
pMMXun-probe-ablerun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Pointer to runtime mass model for this mass (type determined per input)