CSE User's Manual

California Simulation Engine


WINDOW defines a subobject belonging to the current SURFACE that represents one or more identical windows. The azimuth, tilt, and exterior conditions of the window are the same as those of the surface to which it belongs. The total window area (wnHt \(\cdot\) wnWid \(\cdot\) wnMult) is deducted from the gross surface area. A surface may have any number of windows.

Windows may optionally have operable interior shading that reduces the overall shading coefficient when closed.


Name of window: follows the word “WINDOW” if given.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
63 charactersnoneNoconstant


Overall height of window (including frame).

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
ftx \(>\) 0noneYesconstant


Overall width of window (including frame).

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
ftx \(>\) 0noneYesconstant


Overall area of window (including frame).

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
ft2x \(>\) 0wnHeight wnWidth*Noconstant


Area multiplier; can be used to represent multiple identical windows.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
x \(>\) 01Noconstant


Selects window model

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability


GLAZETYPE for window. Provides many defaults for window properties as cited below.


Window conductance (U-factor without surface films, therefore not actually a U-factor but a C-factor).

Preferred Approach: To use accurately with standard winter rated U-factor from ASHRAE or NFRC enter as:

    wnU = (1/((1/U-factor)-0.85)

Where 0.85 is the sum of the interior (0.68) and exterior (0.17) design air film resistances assumed for rating window U-factors. Enter wnInH (usually 1.5=1/0.68) instead of letting it default. Enter the wnExH or let it default. It is important to use this approach if the input includes gnFrad for any gain term. Using approach 2 below will result in an inappropriate internal gain split at the window.

Approach 2. Enter wnU=U-factor and let the wnInH and wnExH default. Tnormally this approach systematically underestimates the window U-factor because it adds the wnExfilm resistance to 1/U-factor thereby double counting the exterior film resistance. This approach will also yield incorrect results for gnFrad internal gain since the high wnInH will put almost all the gain back in the space.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
Btuh/ft2-oFx \(>\) 0noneYesconstant


Fenestration system (including frame) U-factor evaluated at NFRC heating conditions.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
Btuh/ft2-oFx \(>\) 0gtUNFRCRequired when wnModel = ASHWATconstant


Window exterior long wave (thermal) emittance.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
0 \(\le\) x \(\le\) 10.84Noconstant


Window interior long wave (thermal) emittance.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
0 \(\le\) x \(\le\) 10.84Noconstant


Window interior surface (air film) conductance.

Preferred Approach: Enter the appropriate value for each window, normally:

    wnInH = 1.5

    where 1.5 = 1/0.68 the standard ASHRAE value.

The large default value of 10,000 represents a near-0 resistance, for the convenience of those who wish to include the interior surface film in wnU according to approach 2 above.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
Btuh/ft2-oFx \(>\) 010000Noconstant


Window exterior surface (air film) conductance.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
Btuh/ft2-oFx \(>\) 0same as owning surfaceNoconstant

Several models are available for calculating inside and outside surface convective coefficients. Inside surface faces can be exposed only to zone conditions. Outside faces may be exposed either to ambient conditions or zone conditions, based on wnExCnd. Only UNIFIED and INPUT are typically used. The other models were used during CSE development for comparison. For details, see CSE Engineering Documentation.

ModelExposed to ambientExposed to zone
UNIFIEDdefault CSE modeldefault CSE model
INPUThc = wnExHcMulthc = wnxxHcMult
AKBARIAkbari modeln/a
WALTONWalton modeln/a
WINKELMANNWinkelmann modeln/a
MILLSn/aMills model
ASHRAEn/aASHRAE handbook values


Selects the model used for exterior surface convection when wnModel = Forward_Difference.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
choices aboveUNIFIEDNoconstant


Characteristic length of surface, used in derivation of forced exterior convection coefficients in some models when outside face is exposed to ambient (i.e. to wind).

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
ftx \(>\) 010Noconstant


Exterior convection coefficient adjustment factor. When wnExHcModel=INPUT, hc=wnExHcMult. For other wnExHcModel choices, the model-derived hc is multiplied by wnExHcMult.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
x \(\ge\) 01Nosubhourly


Selects the model used for the inside (zone) surface convection when wnModel = Forward_Difference.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
choices above (see wnExHcModel)UNIFIEDNoconstant


Interior convection coefficient adjustment factor. When wnInHcModel=INPUT, hc=wnInHcMult. For other wnInHcModel choices, the model-derived hc is multiplied by wnInHcMult.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
x \(\ge\) 01Nosubhourly


Rated Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) for the window assembly.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
fraction0 < x < 1gtSHGCNoconstant


Frame area multiplier = areaGlaze / areaAssembly

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
fraction0 < x < 1gtFMult or 1Noconstant


SHGC multiplier with shades open. Overrides gtSMSO.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
fraction0 \(\leq\) x \(\leq\) 1gtSMSO or 1NoMonthly - Hourly


SHGC multiplier with shades closed. Overrides gtSMSC

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
fraction0 \(leq\) x \(leq\) 1wnSMSO or gtSMSCNoMonthly - Hourly


Number of glazings in the window (bare glass only, not including any interior or exterior shades).

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
0 \(<\) x \(leq\) 4gtNGLZRequired when wnModel = ASHWATconstant


Exterior shading type (ASHWAT only).

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
NONE, INSCRNgtExShdNoconstant


Interior shade type (ASHWAT only).

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
NONE, DRAPEMEDgtInShdNoconstant


Glazing dirt loss factor.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
fraction0 \(\leq\) x \(\leq\) 1noneNoconstant


Ground reflectivity for this window.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
fraction0 \(\leq\) x \(\leq\) 1sfGrndReflNoMonthly - Hourly


View factor from this window to sky for diffuse radiation. For the shading effects of an overhang, a wnVfSkyDf value smaller than the default would be used

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
fraction0 \(\leq\) x \(\leq\) 10.5 - 0.5 cos(tilt) = .5 for vertical surfaceNoMonthly - Hourly


View factor from this window to ground for diffuse radiation. For the shading effects of a fin(s), both wnVfSkyDf and wnVfGrndDf would be used.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
fraction0 \(\leq\) x \(\leq\) 10.5 + 0.5 .5 for vertical surfaceNoMonthly - Hourly


Optionally indicates the end of the window definition. Alternatively, the end of the window definition can be indicated by END or the declaration of another object. END or endWindow, if used, should follow any subobjects of the window (SHADEs and/or SGDISTs).

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability

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