CSE User's Manual

California Simulation Engine

6.37 heatPlant


hpSchedXXunrecognizedhourlyHourly choice of off, avail (default; plant runs on demand), or on (at least 1st stage runs).
hpPipeLossFXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start timePipe loss, default .01, fraction of largest stage boiler capac whenever any boiler running
hpStage1[0]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage1[1]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage1[2]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage1[3]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage1[4]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage1[5]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage1[6]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage1[7]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage2[0]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timeDefaulted by code, if no hpstage values entered:
hpStage2[1]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timeDefaulted by code, if no hpstage values entered:
hpStage2[2]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timeDefaulted by code, if no hpstage values entered:
hpStage2[3]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timeDefaulted by code, if no hpstage values entered:
hpStage2[4]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timeDefaulted by code, if no hpstage values entered:
hpStage2[5]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timeDefaulted by code, if no hpstage values entered:
hpStage2[6]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timeDefaulted by code, if no hpstage values entered:
hpStage2[7]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timeDefaulted by code, if no hpstage values entered:
hpStage3[0]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage3[1]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage3[2]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage3[3]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage3[4]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage3[5]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage3[6]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage3[7]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage4[0]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time… stage 1: ti_all. stages 2-7: none (0).
hpStage4[1]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time… stage 1: ti_all. stages 2-7: none (0).
hpStage4[2]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time… stage 1: ti_all. stages 2-7: none (0).
hpStage4[3]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time… stage 1: ti_all. stages 2-7: none (0).
hpStage4[4]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time… stage 1: ti_all. stages 2-7: none (0).
hpStage4[5]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time… stage 1: ti_all. stages 2-7: none (0).
hpStage4[6]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time… stage 1: ti_all. stages 2-7: none (0).
hpStage4[7]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time… stage 1: ti_all. stages 2-7: none (0).
hpStage5[0]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage5[1]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage5[2]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage5[3]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage5[4]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage5[5]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage5[6]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage5[7]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage6[0]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage6[1]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage6[2]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage6[3]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage6[4]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage6[5]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage6[6]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage6[7]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage7[0]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage7[1]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage7[2]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage7[3]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage7[4]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage7[5]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage7[6]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
hpStage7[7]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
blr1XXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Subscript of 1st boiler for this heatplant. next is boiler.nxblr4hp.
tu1XXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Subscript of 1st tu with hw coil served by this heatplant. next is tu.tuhc.nxtu4hp.
ah1XXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Subscript of 1st ah with hw coil served by this heatplant. next is ah.ahhc.nxah4hp.
hl1XXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Subscript of 1st hploop with hx for this heatplant
qPipeLossXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCap[0]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCap[1]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCap[2]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCap[3]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCap[4]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCap[5]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCap[6]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPQ[0]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPQ[1]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPQ[2]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPQ[3]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPQ[4]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPQ[5]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPQ[6]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgNXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Max+1 used stage subscript 1-7 (used stages need not be contiguous)
stgMxQXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Most powerful stage subscript 0-6
hpClfXXinteger numberend of each subhourCall-flag: set nz if must call hpcompute so it can test tr, etc to see if computation needed.
hpPtfXXinteger numberend of each subhourCompute-flag: set if must call hpcompute and it should unconditionally recompute this plant.
hpModeXXunrecognizedend of each subhourMode this subhour: off or on: per hpsched; per demand for avail. set in hpestimate, hpcompute.
capFXXnumberend of each subhour
stgiXXinteger numberend of each subhourStage in use, 0-6 for hpstage1-7.
qNxXXnumberend of each subhour
qXXnumberend of each subhour
qPkXXnumberend of each subhourPeak load re error autosizing overload message
qPkAsXXnumberend of each subhourPeak load on a converged autosizing design day re error autosizing overload message
hpModePrXXunrecognizedend of each subhour
qPrXXnumberend of each subhour
capFPrXXnumberend of each subhour