CSE User's Manual

California Simulation Engine

6.36 glazeType


gtSHGCXXnumberinput timeRated shgc of assembly
gtSMSOXXnumbermonthly-hourlyOptional solar heat gain coef multiplier, shades open, used if not spec’d in window, dflt 1.0.
gtSMSCXXnumbermonthly-hourlyDitto shades closed, defaults at window level.
gtFMultXXnumberinput timeOptional frame/mullion multiplier for use when not spec’d in window. constant.
gtPySHGC.k[0]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
gtPySHGC.k[1]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
gtPySHGC.k[2]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
gtPySHGC.k[3]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
gtPySHGC.k[4]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
gtPySHGC.k[5]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
gtDMSHGCXXnumberinput timeDiffuse shgc multiplier used (in place of polynomial). rqd. constant.
gtDMRBSolXXnumberinput timeReflectance for diffuse solar on inside of glass, for cavity absorptance calc’ns (cgsolar.cpp).
gtUXXnumberinput timeOptional u-value for use when not spec’d in window. contant.
gtUNFRCXXnumberinput timeOverall u-factor evaluated under per nfrc heating conditions
gtNGlzXXinteger numberinput time# of glazings bare-glass assembly
gtFenModelXXunrecognizedinput timeFenestration model: user input
gtExShdXXunrecognizedinput timeExterior shade (ashwat only)
gtInShdXXunrecognizedinput timeInterior shade (ditto)
gtDirtLossXXnumberinput timeDirt loss fraction (all solar gain reduced by this factor