6.38 holiday
Name | Input? | Runtime? | Type | Variability | Description |
name | X | – | string | constant | – |
hdDateTrue | X | – | integer number | input time | True date of holiday, 1-365 |
hdDateObs | X | – | integer number | input time | Day holiday is observed, 1-365 |
hdOnMonday | X | – | integer number | input time | Yes if holiday that falls on weekend is observed on monday |
hdCase | X | – | unrecognized | input time | Case: c_holicasech_first, _second, _third, _fourth, _last |
hdDow | X | – | integer number | input time | Day of week, sun=1. subtract 1 before using. |
hdMon | X | – | unrecognized | input time | Month 1-12 |