CSE User's Manual

California Simulation Engine

6.54 report (owner: reportFile)


ziXinteger numberinput timeZone for zone-specific reports. can be ti_sum, ti_all.
mtriXinteger numberinput timeMeter to report/export for meter-specific reports. can be ti_sum, ti_all.
ahiXinteger numberinput timeAir handler to report/export for air-handler-specific reports. can be ti_sum, ti_all.
tuiXinteger numberinput timeTerminal to report/export for terminal-specific reports. can be ti_all
dhwMtriXinteger numberinput timeDhw meter to report/export for dhw meter-specific reports. can be ti_all.
afMtriXinteger numberinput timeAir flow meter to report/export for af meter-specific reports. can be ti_all.
isExportXinteger numberinput time1 if export not report, so same fcns can be used with rib and xib records
rpTyXinteger numberconstantReport/export type c_rptych_eb etc
rpFreqXinteger numberconstantR/xport frequency c_ivlch_m etc
rpDayBegXinteger numberinput timeStart 1-based julian day of year, where applicable
rpDayEndXinteger numberinput timeEnd ..
rpBtuSfXnumberinput timeEnergy (btu) scale factor
rpTitleXstringinput timeTitle, for udt, in dm
rpCplXinteger numberinput timeChars per line, inputtable re udt’s (default -1=“as wide as needed”)
rpHeaderXunrecognizedinput timeTable header or export header yes/no (default yes)
rpFooterXinteger numberinput timeTable footer (summary line) or export footer (just blank line?) yes/no (default yes)
coliXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Rcolb/xcolb subscript of first column (thence linked by .nxcoli).
nColXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)# columns
widXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Total col width for user-defined report