CSE User's Manual

California Simulation Engine

6.8 coolPlant


cpSchedXXunrecognizedhourlySchedule, hourly choice of off, avail (default), on.
cpTsSpXXnumberhourlySupply temp cooling setpoint, hourly variable, default 44.
cpPipeLossFXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start timePipe “loss”: heat gain equal to this fraction of largest stage <– change **
cpTowiXXinteger numberinput timeSubscript of towerplant supporting this coolplant. input as name “cptowerplant”. rqd.
cpStage1[0]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage1[1]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage1[2]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage1[3]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage1[4]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage1[5]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage1[6]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage1[7]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage2[0]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timeDefaulted by code, if no cpstage values entered:
cpStage2[1]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timeDefaulted by code, if no cpstage values entered:
cpStage2[2]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timeDefaulted by code, if no cpstage values entered:
cpStage2[3]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timeDefaulted by code, if no cpstage values entered:
cpStage2[4]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timeDefaulted by code, if no cpstage values entered:
cpStage2[5]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timeDefaulted by code, if no cpstage values entered:
cpStage2[6]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timeDefaulted by code, if no cpstage values entered:
cpStage2[7]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timeDefaulted by code, if no cpstage values entered:
cpStage3[0]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage3[1]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage3[2]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage3[3]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage3[4]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage3[5]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage3[6]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage3[7]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage4[0]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time… stage 1: ti_all. stages 2-7: none(0).
cpStage4[1]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time… stage 1: ti_all. stages 2-7: none(0).
cpStage4[2]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time… stage 1: ti_all. stages 2-7: none(0).
cpStage4[3]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time… stage 1: ti_all. stages 2-7: none(0).
cpStage4[4]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time… stage 1: ti_all. stages 2-7: none(0).
cpStage4[5]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time… stage 1: ti_all. stages 2-7: none(0).
cpStage4[6]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time… stage 1: ti_all. stages 2-7: none(0).
cpStage4[7]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time… stage 1: ti_all. stages 2-7: none(0).
cpStage5[0]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage5[1]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage5[2]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage5[3]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage5[4]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage5[5]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage5[6]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage5[7]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage6[0]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage6[1]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage6[2]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage6[3]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage6[4]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage6[5]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage6[6]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage6[7]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage7[0]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage7[1]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage7[2]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage7[3]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage7[4]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage7[5]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage7[6]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
cpStage7[7]XXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
ch1XXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Subscript of 1st chiller in this coolplant. next is chiller.nxch4cp.
ah1XXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Subscript of 1st ah with chw coil served by this coolplant. next is ah.ahcc.nxah4cp.
nxCp4tpXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Subscript of next coolplant using same towerplant. 1st is towerplant.c1.
mwDsCoilsXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPPQ[0]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPPQ[1]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPPQ[2]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPPQ[3]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPPQ[4]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPPQ[5]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPPQ[6]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCPQ[0]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCPQ[1]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCPQ[2]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCPQ[3]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCPQ[4]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCPQ[5]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCPQ[6]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPMw[0]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPMw[1]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPMw[2]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPMw[3]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPMw[4]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPMw[5]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgPMw[6]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCMw[0]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCMw[1]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCMw[2]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCMw[3]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCMw[4]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCMw[5]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgCMw[6]XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
stgNXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Max+1 used stage subscript 1-7 (used stages need not be contiguous)
stgMxCapXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Subscript 0-6 of stage with most design power
mxCapDsXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
mxPMwXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
mxPMwOvXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
mxCondQXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
mxCondGpmXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
qPipeLossXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
cpTsXXnumberend of each subhour
qXXnumberend of each subhour
qTowXXnumberend of each subhour
tTowXXnumberend of each subhour
mwTowXXnumberend of each subhour
tCndXXnumberend of each subhour
cpClfXXinteger numberend of each subhourCall-flag: set nz if must call cpcompute so it can test tr, etc to see if computation needed.
cpPtfXXinteger numberend of each subhourCompute-flag: set if must call cpcompute and it should unconditionally recompute this plant
cpModeXXunrecognizedend of each subhourMode this subhour: off or on: per cpsched; per demand for avail. set in cpestimate, cpcompute.
qLoadNxXXnumberend of each subhour
qLoadXXnumberend of each subhour
trXXnumberend of each subhour
stgiXXinteger numberend of each subhourStage in use, 0-6 for cpstage1-7.
qNeedXXnumberend of each subhour
capXXnumberend of each subhour
plrXXnumberend of each subhour
puteTsXXnumberend of each subhour
cpTsSpPrXXnumberend of each subhourFor cpestimate
cpTsEstPrXXnumberend of each subhourFor cpestimate
cpModePrXXunrecognizedend of each subhourFor cpcompute
trMxPrXXnumberend of each subhourFor cpcompute: tr-assuming-max-flow when last computed
qLoadPrXXnumberend of each subhourFor cpcompute
mwTowPrXXnumberend of each subhourFor cpcompute, set by tpcompute
tTowPrXXnumberend of each subhourFor cpcompute, set by tpcompute