CSE User's Manual

California Simulation Engine


REPORTFILE allows optional specification of different or additional files to receive CSE reports.

By default, CSE generates several “reports” on each run showing the simulated HVAC energy use, the input statements specifying the run, any error or warning messages, etc. Different or additional reports can be specified using the REPORT object, described in Section 5.25, next.

All CSE reports are written to text files as plain ASCII text. The files may be printed (on most printers other than postscript printers) by copying them to your printer with the COPY command. Since many built-in reports are over 80 characters wide; you may want to set your printer for “compressed” characters or a small font first. You may wish to examine the report file with a text editor or LIST program before printing it. (?? Improve printing discussion)

By default, the reports are output to a file with the same name as the input file and extension .REP, in the same directory as the input file. By default, this file is formatted into pages, and overwrites any existing file of the same name without warning. CSE automatically generates a REPORTFILE object called “Primary” for this report file, as though the following input had been given:

    REPORTFILE "Primary"
        rfFileName = <inputFile>.REP;
        // other members defaulted: rfFileStat=OVERWRITE; rfPageFmt=YES.

Using REPORTFILE, you can specify additional report files. REPORTs specified within a REPORTFILE object definition are output by default to that file; REPORTs specified elsewhere may be directed to a specific report file with the REPORT member rpReportFile. Any number of REPORTFILEs and REPORTs may be used in a run or session. Any number of REPORTs can be directed to each REPORTFILE.

Using ALTER (Section with REPORTFILE, you can change the characteristics of the Primary report output file. For example:

        rfPageFmt = NO;     // do not format into pages
        rfFileStat = NEW;   // error if file exists


Name of REPORTFILE object, given immediately after the word REPORTFILE. Note that this name, not the fileName of the report file, is used to refer to the REPORTFILE in REPORTs.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
63 charactersnoneNoconstant


path name of file to be written. If no path is specified, the file is written in the current directory. The default extension is .REP.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
file name, path and extension optionalnoneYesconstant


Choice indicating what CSE should do if the file specified by rfFileNamealready exists:

OVERWRITEOverwrite pre-existing file.
NEWIssue error message if file exists at beginning of session. If there are several runs in session using same file, output from runs after the first will append.
APPENDAppend new output to present contents of existing file.

If the specified file does not exist, it is created and rfFileStat has no effect.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability


Choice controlling page formatting. Page formatting consists of dividing the output into pages (with form feed characters), starting a new page before each report too long to fit on the current page, and putting headers and footers on each page. Page formatting makes attractive printed output but is a distraction when examining the output on the screen and may inappropriate if you are going to further process the output with another program.

YesDo page formatting in this report file.
NoSuppress page formatting. Output is continuous, uninterrupted by page headers and footers or large blank spaces.
UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability
YES, NONoNoconstant

Unless page formatting is suppressed, the page formats for all report files are controlled by the TOP members repHdrL, repHdrR, repLPP, repTopM, repBotM,and repCPL, described in Section 5.1.

Each page header shows the repHdrL and repHdrR text, if given.

Each page footer shows the input file name, run serial number within session (see runSerial in Section 5.1), user-input runTitle (see Section 5.1), date and time of run, and page number in file.

Vertical page layout is controlled by repLPP, repTopM, and repBotM (Section 5.1). The width of each header and footer is controlled by repCPL. Since many built-in reports are now over 80 columns wide, you may want to use repCPL=120 or repCPL=132 to make the headers and footers match the text better.

In addition to report file page headers and footers, individual REPORTs have REPORT headers and footers related to the report content. These are described under REPORT, Section 5.25.


Optionally indicates the end of the report file definition. Alternatively, the end of the report file definition can be indicated by END or by beginning another object.

UnitsLegal RangeDefaultRequiredVariability

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