CSE User's Manual

California Simulation Engine

6.73 zone


znModelXXinteger numberinput time
znAreaXXnumberinput time
znVolXXnumberinput time
floorZXXnumberinput time
ceilingHtXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
znCAirXXnumberinput time
HIRatioXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
znAzmXXnumberinput time
plenumRetXXinteger numberinput time
znQMxHRatedXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
znQMxCRatedXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
loadMtriXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
rsiXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
hcAirXXXnumberend of each subhour
xfan.fanTyXXunrecognizedautosize and simulate phase start time
xfan.vfDsXXnumberend of each subhour
xfan.vfDs_AsXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
xfan.vfDs_AsNovXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
xfan.vfMxFXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
xfan.pressXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
xfan.effXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
xfan.shaftPwrXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
xfan.elecPwrXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
xfan.motTyXXunrecognizedrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
xfan.motEffXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
xfan.motPosXXunrecognizedautosize and simulate phase start time
xfan.curvePy.k[0]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
xfan.curvePy.k[1]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
xfan.curvePy.k[2]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
xfan.curvePy.k[3]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
xfan.curvePy.k[4]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
xfan.curvePy.k[5]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
xfan.mtriXXinteger numberinput time
xfan.endUseXXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
xfan.auszXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
xfan.cMxXXnumberend of each subhour
xfan.cXXnumberend of each subhour
xfan.tXXnumberend of each subhour
xfan.frOnXXnumberend of each subhour
xfan.pXXnumberend of each subhour
xfan.qXXnumberend of each subhour
xfan.dTXXnumberend of each subhour
xfan.qAroundXXnumberend of each subhour
infShldXXinteger numberinput time
infStoriesXXinteger numberinput time
eaveZXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
afMtriXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
xsurf1Xinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Chain head (xsrat subscr) of zone’s xsurfs: surface/window/perim/masswall info. next: xsrat.nxxsurf.
xsSpecT1Xinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)0 or chain head of zn’s xsurfs with .sfexcnd==c_excndch_spect: used hourly. next: xsrat.nxxsspect.
tu1Xinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Head of chain of zone’s terminals: 0 or tub subscript. next: tu.nxtu.
zhx1Xinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Chain head of zone’s zhx’s (zone hvac xfers): 0 or zhxb subscript. next: zhx.nxzhx4z.
zhx1StXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)… zone’s cmstxx (tstat-ctrl’d) zhx’s. next: zhx.nxzhzst4z.
airTerminalCountXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)# of terminals serving this zone that can supply air
anPathLenToAmbientXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Zone shortest path length to ambient pressure
anVentCount[0]Xinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Count of airnet vents connected to this zone
anVentCount[1]Xinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Count of airnet vents connected to this zone
anVentCount[2]Xinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Count of airnet vents connected to this zone
znSCFXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Non-0 if i.znsc given by user; 0 to default shade closure in cnloads.cpp
stackcXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Stack coefficient for zone height (sherman-grimsrud model)
windcXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Wind coefficient for zone height and shielding (sherman-grimsrud model)
rIgDistNAlXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)0 or number of allocated entries in…
rIgDistNXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)0 or number of used entries in…
rIgDistXunrecognizedrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Null or ptr to heap array of distrubution info for rad int gain originating in zone.
surfAXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Total surface area in zone, ft2 (surfaces, doors, windows, ducts)
surfASlrXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Total “short wave” surface area in zone, ft2
ductAXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Total duct surface area in zone, ft2 (included in zn_surfa)
surfEpsLWAvgXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Area-weighted surface lw emissivity = sum( surfarea * surfepslw) / zn_surfa
airRadXC1Xnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Constants re zn_airradxarea calc
airRadXC2Xnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
airRadXAreaXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Area of air “surface”, ft2
FAirXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Air f “view factor” (constant during simulation)
airCxFXnumberend of each hourAir factor for zn_cxsh re lw exchange
airCxXnumberend of each subhourAir contribution to zn_cxsh, btuh/f
rmTrans[0]Xnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/runArea-weighted summed diffuse transmissivity of windows in zone,
rmTrans[1]Xnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/runArea-weighted summed diffuse transmissivity of windows in zone,
rmAbsXnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/runSum of area-weighted solar (sw) absorptivity for opaque room surfaces (dimensionless).
adjRmAbs[0]Xnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/runRmabs adjusted for reflected energy that goes out windows (m-h):
adjRmAbs[1]Xnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/runRmabs adjusted for reflected energy that goes out windows (m-h):
rmAbsCAirXnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/runSum of area-weighted absorptivity for non-massive room surfaces
cavAbsCAir[0]Xnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/runZone cair cavity absorptance === portion insolation to no particular surface
cavAbsCAir[1]Xnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/runZone cair cavity absorptance === portion insolation to no particular surface
sgfCavBm[0]Xnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/runZone’s solar gain factors from its windows not explicitly targeted for hour,
sgfCavBm[1]Xnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/runZone’s solar gain factors from its windows not explicitly targeted for hour,
sgfCavDf[0]Xnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/run.. to be distributed amoung surface and cair sgr entries after accumulation.
sgfCavDf[1]Xnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/run.. to be distributed amoung surface and cair sgr entries after accumulation.
sgSaBm[0]Xnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/runCair adjustments to above for gains getting to other side of (quick) surface or
sgSaBm[1]Xnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/runCair adjustments to above for gains getting to other side of (quick) surface or
sgSaDf[0]Xnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/run.. lost to outdoors due to surface film vs conductance thru (quick) surface
sgSaDf[1]Xnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/run.. lost to outdoors due to surface film vs conductance thru (quick) surface
sgfCAirBm[0]Xnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/runBeam solar gain factor this hour to zone cair
sgfCAirBm[1]Xnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/runBeam solar gain factor this hour to zone cair
sgfCAirDf[0]Xnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/runDiffuse .. these are multipliers for wthr data, later, via sgr
sgfCAirDf[1]Xnumberend of each hour on 1st day of month/runDiffuse .. these are multipliers for wthr data, later, via sgr
uaSpecTXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Ua to specified temps (excnd=spect surfaces), for zn_bcon. set/used only in cnguts.cpp.
uaXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Overall loss to ambient (sum uval*area), constant for run, for zn_bcon and zn_aqldhr. btuh/f.
UANomXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Ua to ambient based on surface unom (derived with default surf conductances), btuh/f
ductCondUANomXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Nominal total ua of ducts in zone, btuh/f (due to conduction, not air leakage)
haMassXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Total ha (surf conductance * area) to mass (btuh/f)
BGWallPerimXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Total below grade wall perimeter, ft
BGWallPA4Xnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Sum (perim*a4)
BGWallPA5Xnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Sum (perim*a5)
qSgTotXnumberend of each hourHour total solar gain to some
sgTotTarg.bmXnumberend of each subhour
sgTotTarg.dfXnumberend of each subhour
sgTotTarg.totXnumberend of each subhour
qrIgTotXunrecognizedend of each hourTotal originating in this zone: redundant total for energy balance check only.
qrIgTotOXunrecognizedend of each hourSubtotal lost to outdoors thru light surfaces, to show in zeb rpt as -cond.
qrIgTotIzXunrecognizedend of each hourNet subtotal to other zones thru light surfaces, to show in zeb rpt as -izone.
qrIgAirXunrecognizedend of each hourRad int gain to this zone’s cair (for light surfaces/windows), for zn_aqldhr. 11-95.
qrIgMsXnumberend of each hourRad int gain to mass sides in this zone, for energy balance, set in cnloads. 11-95.
znSGainXnumberend of each hour
znLGainXnumberend of each hour
znLitDmdXnumberend of each hour
znLitEuXnumberend of each hour
znXLGainXnumberend of each subhour
znXLGainLsXnumberend of each subhour
bconXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Portion of b constant for run: ua + uaspect. setup time.
qMsSgXnumberend of each subhour
qSgAirXnumberend of each subhourSubhour’s solar gain rate (btuh) to air
sgAirTarg.bmXnumberend of each subhour
sgAirTarg.dfXnumberend of each subhour
sgAirTarg.totXnumberend of each subhour
qSgTotShXnumberend of each subhour
sgTotShTarg.bmXnumberend of each subhour
sgTotShTarg.dfXnumberend of each subhour
sgTotShTarg.totXnumberend of each subhour
qIzXAnShXnumberend of each subhourSubhourly gain due to non-airnet izxfers (btuh, +=into zone)
qIzShXnumberend of each subhourSubhourly part of interzone gain rate (btuh, +=into zone)
pz0W[0]Xnumberend of each subhourWorking zone pressures relative to patm at nominal z=0, lbf/sf
pz0W[1]Xnumberend of each subhourWorking zone pressures relative to patm at nominal z=0, lbf/sf
pz0Xnumberend of each subhourFinal zone pressure relative to patm at nominal z=0, lbf/sf
ventUtXinteger numberend of each subhourVent utility for this substep
qDuctCondAirXnumberend of each subhourTo ta (convection)
qDuctCondRadXnumberend of each subhourTo tr (radiation)
qDuctCondXnumberend of each subhourSum from last step (else energy balance trouble)
qDHWLossAirXnumberend of each subhourTo ta (convection)
qDHWLossRadXnumberend of each subhourTo tr (radiation)
qDHWLossXnumberend of each subhourSum
qHPWHXnumberend of each subhourHeat extracted from zone by heat pump dhwheater(s)
hpwhAirXXnumberend of each subhourApproximate zone air change rate due to
anVentEffectXinteger numberend of each hour# of izxrats that could impact airnet
airNetI[0].tdbXnumberend of each subhour
airNetI[0].wXnumberend of each subhour
airNetI[0].amfXnumberend of each subhour
airNetI[1].tdbXnumberend of each subhour
airNetI[1].wXnumberend of each subhour
airNetI[1].amfXnumberend of each subhour
fVentPrfXnumberend of each subhourPreferred vent fraction for this zone in isolation
tzVentXnumberend of each subhourZone air temp with full vent, f (debug aid)
fVentXnumberend of each subhourVent fraction actual; venting used to hold zone at zn_tzspd
anAmfCpVentXnumberend of each subhourVent flow (in excess of zn_airneti[ 0]), btuh/f
anAmfCpTVentXnumberend of each subhourVent flow*temp (in excess of zn_airneti[ 0]), btuh
ductLkI.tdbXnumberend of each subhour
ductLkI.wXnumberend of each subhour
ductLkI.amfXnumberend of each subhour
ductLkO.tdbXnumberend of each subhour
ductLkO.wXnumberend of each subhour
ductLkO.amfXnumberend of each subhour
sysAirI.tdbXnumberend of each subhour
sysAirI.wXnumberend of each subhour
sysAirI.amfXnumberend of each subhour
sysAirO.tdbXnumberend of each subhour
sysAirO.wXnumberend of each subhour
sysAirO.amfXnumberend of each subhour
OAVRlfO.tdbXnumberend of each subhour
OAVRlfO.wXnumberend of each subhour
OAVRlfO.amfXnumberend of each subhour
sysDepAirIls.tdbXnumberend of each subhour
sysDepAirIls.wXnumberend of each subhour
sysDepAirIls.amfXnumberend of each subhour
qCondQSXnumberend of each subhourTotal quick surface conduction, btuh (+ = into zone)
qCondMSXnumberend of each subhourTotal mass exterior surface conduction, btuh (+ = into zone)
rsAmfSysReq[0]Xnumberend of each subhourRequested rsys air mass flow (at system) to hold current step set point, lbm/hr
rsAmfSysReq[1]Xnumberend of each subhourRequested rsys air mass flow (at system) to hold current step set point, lbm/hr
rsFSizeXnumberend of each subhourFraction of requested air that rsys could provide
rsAmfSupXnumberend of each subhourFinal rsys supply air mass flow (at register, +=in), lbm/hr
rsAmfRetXnumberend of each subhourFinal rsys return air mass flow (out of zone at grille, +=out), lbm/hr
rsAmfRetLsXnumbersubhourlyLast step zn_rsamfret (+ = out)
tzspXnumberend of each subhourCurrent step controlling set point, f
tzspHXnumberend of each subhourCurrent step heating set point, f
tzspDXnumberend of each subhourCurrent step desired temp set point, f
tzspCXnumberend of each subhourCurrent step cooling set point, f
tzspHlhXnumberhourlyEnd-of-last-hour heating set point (re autosize setpoint ramping), f
tzspDlhXnumberhourlyEnd-of-last-hour desired temp set point (re autosize setpoint ramping), f
tzspClhXnumberhourlyEnd-of-last-hour cooling set point (re autosize setpoint ramping), f
hcModeXinteger numberend of each subhourHeating / cooling mode required per set point (rsmheat, rsmcool, )
fConvXnumbersubhourlyCurrent step
qsHvacXnumberend of each subhourSubhour total (sensible) power of all hvac, btuh
qlHvacXnumberend of each subhourSubhour total latent power (btuh) (moisture * 1061) likewise
qlIzXnumberend of each subhourLatent gain from izxfer sources (infil, vent, and duct leakage), btuh
rhoXnumberend of each subhourZone moist air density at nominal w=tp_refw, lb/cf
rho0lsXnumbersubhourlyPrior step zone moist air density at nominal z=0, lb/cf; computed from tzls and zn_pz0[ 0]
dryAirMassXnumberend of each subhourTotal mass of dry air in zone, lbm
dryAirMassEffXnumberend of each subhourEffective dry air mass in zone, lbm
ivAirXXnumberend of each subhourZone infiltration/ventilation air change rate (changes/hr)
airXXnumberend of each subhourOverall zone air change rate (changes/hr)
hcAirXlsXnumbersubhourlyPrior subhour value of i.zn_hcairx
hcFrcXnumbersubhourlyInside surface forced convection coefficient, btuh/ft2-f
windPresVXnumbersubhourlyWind velocity pressure, lbf/ft2
tzXnumberend of each subhour
aTzXnumberend of each subhour
wzXnumberend of each subhour
relHumXnumberend of each subhourZone relative humidity, 0 - 1
relHumlsXnumbersubhourlyZone relative humidity, end last subhour, 0 - 1
relHumlhXnumberhourlyZone relative humidity, end last hour, 0 - 1
twbXnumberend of each subhourZone wet bulb temp, f
aWzXnumberend of each subhour
trXnumberend of each subhour
trlsXnumberend of each subhour
mdXinteger numberend of each subhourCurrent hvac mode: subscript of mdseq