CSE User's Manual

California Simulation Engine

6.63 terminal (owner: zone)


tuVfMxHCXXunrecognizedautosize and simulate phase start timeAutosize tuvfmxh and -c same or (default) different.
fxCapHXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start timeCapacity factor for autosized heat coil (default 1.1 = 10% oversized)
fxVfHCXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start timeAir flow factor for autosized air flow (default 1.1 = 10% oversized)
asHcSameXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)True to autosize tuvfmxh and -c the same – specified with “tuvfmxhc = same”
asKVolXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)True to autosize for constant volume – specified with “autosize tuvfmn” (implies ashcsame).
hcAs.az_activeXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
hcAs.az_aXXnumberend of each subhour
hcAs.az_bXXnumberend of each subhour
hcAs.ldPkXXnumberend of each subhour
hcAs.ldPkAsXXnumberend of each day
hcAs.ldPkAs1XXnumberend of each day
hcAs.plrPkXXnumberend of each subhour
hcAs.plrPkAsXXnumberend of each day
hcAs.xPkXXnumberend of each subhour
hcAs.xPkAsXXnumberend of each day
hcAs.az_notDoneXXinteger numberend of each day
vhAs.az_activeXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
vhAs.az_aXXnumberend of each subhour
vhAs.az_bXXnumberend of each subhour
vhAs.ldPkXXnumberend of each subhour
vhAs.ldPkAsXXnumberend of each day
vhAs.ldPkAs1XXnumberend of each day
vhAs.plrPkXXnumberend of each subhour
vhAs.plrPkAsXXnumberend of each day
vhAs.xPkXXnumberend of each subhour
vhAs.xPkAsXXnumberend of each day
vhAs.az_notDoneXXinteger numberend of each day
vcAs.az_activeXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
vcAs.az_aXXnumberend of each subhour
vcAs.az_bXXnumberend of each subhour
vcAs.ldPkXXnumberend of each subhour
vcAs.ldPkAsXXnumberend of each day
vcAs.ldPkAs1XXnumberend of each day
vcAs.plrPkXXnumberend of each subhour
vcAs.plrPkAsXXnumberend of each day
vcAs.xPkXXnumberend of each subhour
vcAs.xPkAsXXnumberend of each day
vcAs.az_notDoneXXinteger numberend of each day
qhPkXXnumberend of each subhour
qcPkXXnumberend of each subhourPeak values of qh and qc, for load reports and -pkas’s. qc negative.
qhPkAsXXnumberend of each subhour
qcPkAsXXnumberend of each subhourPeak values for all autosize converged design days, for size reports
bVfMnXXnumberend of each subhour
bVfMxHXXnumberend of each subhour
bVfMxCXXnumberend of each subhour
dtLoHShXXinteger numberend of each subhour
dtLoCShXXinteger numberend of each subhour.. this subhr, set in cnztu.cpp:ztumode, cleared in ztuabs.
aDtLoHShXXinteger numberend of each subhour
aDtLoCShXXinteger numberend of each subhour.. this subhr, set at end of cnah1.cpp:ahcompute
aDtLoTemXXinteger numberend of each subhourCnah2:antratts to ahcompute temp flag re adtlohsh, csh
dtLoHXXinteger numberend of each subhour
dtLoCXXinteger numberend of each subhour.. on this autosizing design day iteration (or poss run)
dtLoHAsXXinteger numberend of each day
dtLoCAsXXinteger numberend of each subhour.. on any converged pass 2 design day: invokes endautosizing() message.
tuTLhXXnumberhourlyLocal heating set point for tstat control. hourly. default: no tstat control.
tuQMnLhXXnumberhourlyDesired continuous output (btuh) if no setpoint, or minimum if tutlh given, hourly, default 0.
tuQMxLhXXnumberhourlyMax desired power, subject to plant limits, btuh, hourly, rqd if tutlh given, else disallowed.
tuPriLhXXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timePriority if setpoint equals another, low #’s used first, dfl 100, disallowed if tutlh not given.
tuLhNeedsFlowXXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timeYes to disable lh when tu fan off and central fan off or vav flow 0 (coil in terminal).
tuhc.coilTyXXunrecognizedrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
tuhc.captRatXXnumberend of each subhour
tuhc.captRat_AsXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tuhc.captRat_AsNovXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tuhc.bCaptRatXXnumberend of each subhour
tuhc.mtriXXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
tuhc.auxMtriXXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
tuhc.qXXnumberend of each subhour
tuhc.qPrXXnumberend of each subhour
tuhc.pXXnumberend of each subhour
tuhc.plrXXnumberend of each subhour
tuhc.plrAvXXnumberend of each subhour
tuhc.eirXXnumberend of each subhour
tuhc.capMaxXXnumberend of each subhour
tuhc.pAuxXXnumberend of each subhour
tuhc.effRatXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tuhc.pyEi.k[0]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tuhc.pyEi.k[1]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tuhc.pyEi.k[2]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tuhc.pyEi.k[3]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tuhc.pyEi.k[4]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tuhc.hpiXXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
tuhc.nxTu4hpXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
tuhc.nxAh4hpXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
tuhc.flueLossXXnumberend of each subhour
tuhc.qWantXXnumberend of each subhour
tuTHXXnumberhourlyAir heating set point (f). hourly. default: no tstat-controlled air heating.
tuTCXXnumberhourlyAir cooling set point (f). hourly. default: no tstat-controlled air cooling.
tuVfMnXXnumberend of each subhourMin flow (cfm actual air); if no setpoints given, this is “specified output”. hourly, dlf 0.
tuVfMn_AsXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tuVfMn_AsNovXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
aiXXinteger numberinput time0 or ah ss (subscript) for air handler serving tu (input as air handler name). rqd if sp or mn given.
tuVfMxHXXnumberend of each subhourHeating max flow (cfm actual air) b4 ah limits, hourly, rqd if tuth given else disallowed
tuVfMxH_AsXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tuVfMxH_AsNovXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tuVfMxCXXnumberend of each subhourCooling max flow (cfm actual air) b4 ah limits, hourly, rqd if tutc given else disallowed
tuVfMxC_AsXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tuVfMxC_AsNovXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tuVfDsXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Design flow (cfm actual air), constant, to apportion flow when ah fan overloads.
tuPriHXXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timeHeat setpoint priority: lowest # used first when equal setpoints in zone. const. default: 1.
tuPriCXXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start timeCool likewise. … rqd if corress sp given, else disallowed.
tuSRLeakXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start timeLeakage 0-.5 of supply air to return, increasing supply vol and return temp. constant; dfl .05.
tuSRLossXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Supply air to return plenum heat loss as a fraction 0 - .5 of supply air to return air
tfanSchXXunrecognizedrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Terminal fan schedule, choice of off, on, heating, or vav, hourly, rqd if tfantype not none.
tfanOffLeakXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Backdraft leakage when fan off, 0 to .25 of tfanvfds, constant, dfl .1, or 0 if no fan.
tfan.fanTyXXunrecognizedautosize and simulate phase start time
tfan.vfDsXXnumberend of each subhour
tfan.vfDs_AsXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tfan.vfDs_AsNovXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tfan.vfMxFXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tfan.pressXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
tfan.effXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
tfan.shaftPwrXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
tfan.elecPwrXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
tfan.motTyXXunrecognizedrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
tfan.motEffXXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tfan.motPosXXunrecognizedautosize and simulate phase start time
tfan.curvePy.k[0]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tfan.curvePy.k[1]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tfan.curvePy.k[2]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tfan.curvePy.k[3]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tfan.curvePy.k[4]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tfan.curvePy.k[5]XXnumberautosize and simulate phase start time
tfan.mtriXXinteger numberinput time
tfan.endUseXXinteger numberautosize and simulate phase start time
tfan.auszXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
tfan.cMxXXnumberend of each subhour
tfan.cXXnumberend of each subhour
tfan.tXXnumberend of each subhour
tfan.frOnXXnumberend of each subhour
tfan.pXXnumberend of each subhour
tfan.qXXnumberend of each subhour
tfan.dTXXnumberend of each subhour
tfan.qAroundXXnumberend of each subhour
nxTu4zXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Chain: 0 or ss (subscript) of next tu in zone chain. head is znr.tu1.
nxTu4aXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Chain: 0 or ss (subscript) of next tu in air handler chain. head is ah.tu1.
xiLhXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Subscript of zhx for terminal’s local heat capability
xiArHXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Ss of zhx for cmso air heat/cool or cmsth air heat capability
xiArCXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Ss of zhx for tu’s cmstc air cool, if any
cmLhXXunrecognizedrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Local heat: cmnone=0; cmstxx: tstat-controlled (setpoint given); or cmso (only output/flow given).
cmArXXunrecognizedrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Air heat and cool: cmnone=0,cmso=1,cmsth=2,cmstc=4,cmstboth=6.
ctrlsAiXXinteger numberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Ss of ah ctrl’d by this tu under zn/zn2 control method, this hour (setup time).
wantMdXXunrecognizedend of each subhourTerminal request to ctrl’d ah: heating, cooling, off. set in tu::estimate, ztucompute, ah::wzczxxxx.
lhMnXXnumberend of each subhour
lhMxXXnumberend of each subhour
lhMxMxXXnumberend of each subhour
cMnXXnumberend of each subhour
cMxHXXnumberend of each subhour
cMxCXXnumberend of each subhour
useLhXXunrecognizedend of each subhourLocal heat use this subhour: unone(0)/uso/umn/usth/umxh.
useArXXunrecognizedend of each subhourAir cool/heat use this subhour, same plus ustc/umxc.
qLhWantXXnumberend of each subhour
cvXXnumberend of each subhour
czXXnumberend of each subhour
aCvXXnumberend of each subhour
tfanRunningXXinteger numberend of each subhourTrue if terminal fan running this subhour (no backflow).
tfanBkCXXnumberend of each subhour