CSE User's Manual

California Simulation Engine

6.20 DHWSolarCollector (owner: DHWSolarSys)


multXXnumberinput timeMultiplier (for multiple panels). default 1.
multLRXXnumberend of run (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Last run multiplier, re probing in chained runs
areaXXnumberinput timeSrcc collector area, ft2
tiltXXnumberinput timeArray tilt, radians (input as degrees)
azmXXnumberinput timeArray azimuth, radians (input as degrees)
testFRULXXnumberinput timeSrcc test (rated) slope, btuh/f-ft2
testFRTAXXnumberinput timeSrcc test (rated) intercept
testMassFlowXXnumberinput timeCollector loop srcc rating mass flow rate, lb/h-ft2
oprMassFlowXXnumberinput timeCollector loop operating mass flow rate, lb/h-ft2
kta60XXnumberinput timeIncidence angle modifier at 60 deg (from srcc rating)
piping.lenXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
piping.sizeXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
piping.insulKXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
piping.insulThkXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
piping.exHXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
piping.countXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
piping.lenXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
piping.volXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
piping.exAreaXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
piping.UAXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)
pipingTExXXnumberend of each hourCollector piping surround temp
areaTotXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Total area, ft2 (=sc_area*sc_mult)
flowCorrectionXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Flow correction factor
oprFRULXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Operating (flow-corrected) collector slope, btuh/f-ft2
oprFRTAXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Operating (flow-corrected) collector intercept
oprMCpXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Operating heat capacity flow rate, btuh/f (not per ft2)
oprVolFlowXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Nominal collector loop volume flow rate, gpm (not gpm/ft2)
b0XXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Incidence angle modifier coefficient
ktaDSXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Tau-alpha modifier (kta) for sky diffuse radiation
ktaDGXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Tau-alpha modifier (kta) ground-reflected diffuse radiation
incAXXnumberend of each hourBeam angle of incidence, radians (pi/2 if no beam)
ktaDBXXnumberend of each hourTau-alpha modifier (kta) for beam (varies by hour)
poaRadDBXXnumberend of each hourBeam
poaRadDSXXnumberend of each hourDiffuse from sky
poaRadDGXXnumberend of each hourDiffuse from ground
poaRadTotXXnumberend of each hourTotal
poaRadIAMXXnumberend of each hourComponent-weighted iam factor
pumpPwrXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Pump power, w
tickPumpQXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Pump input energy per tick, btu
pumpLiqHeatFXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Fraction of sc_pumppwr added to liquid stream
pumpDTXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Fluid temp increase due to pump, f
pumpOnDeltaTXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Temperature difference between the
pumpOffDeltaTXXnumberrun start time (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Temperature difference between the
tOutletMXXnumberend of each hour
tOutletBXXnumberend of each hour
effMXXnumberend of each hour
effBXXnumberend of each hour
tInletXXnumberend of each subhourTick inlet temp, f (at tank / before to-collector piping)
effXXnumberend of each hourFraction of incident heat added to the fluid
tickQFluidXXnumberend of each subhourTick heat added to the fluid, btu
hrQFluidXXnumberend of each hourHour total heat added to fluid, btu
totQFluidXXnumberend of run (of each phase, autoSize or simulate)Run total sc_qfluid total, btu
tOutletPXXnumberend of each hourTick potential outlet temp, f
tOutletXXnumberend of each hourTick outlet temp, f (at tank / after from-collector piping)
tickVolXXnumberend of each subhourVolume moved during this tick, gal
pumpInElecXXnumberend of each hourActual electricity use (note not kwh)